PureNano project involves partners from different domain (7 industrial partners-SMEs, 4 RTDs, 1 Association) expertise that work together building on their complementarity covering all the necessary competences to implement the overall approach.
1. Politecnico di Milano
Role: PoliMi is the coordinator of the project, having the main role in the management activities of the project. PoliMi will have strong involvement in the production of the MNPs, through the one one-step precipitation process as well as in the characterization and evaluation of the functionalization. PoliMi will work on the set up, install and run of the pilot line for the production and surface functionalized MNPs to be used for the purification of plating baths. Additionally, they will be involved in LCA/LCCA and eco-efficiency evaluation of the materials and process developed and validated. They will closing be involved in the dissemination & exploitation activities, undertaking tasks concerning knowledge management and IPR protection activities.
2. Captive Systems
Role: Captive system brings the core technology of PureNano project, protected by patent. The company will be responsible for upscaling the production of functionalized MNPs to be used for the purification of the baths that already are operating in the facilities of the industrial partners of project. They will also be responsible for the production of functionalized MNPs aggregates concerning the manufacturability of the production of MNPs and the upscale.
3. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Role: RISE will originally contribute to the specifications regarding the formulations that are in direct relationship with the specific target pollutants selected. RISE will lead the activities related to the formulation and targeted functionalization of the MNPs produced, Specifically, will be responsible for the development of cationic, anionic and lipophilic coatings of MNPs.
4. National Technical University of Athens
Role: NTUA will contribute on the characterization and evaluation of the functionalization of the MNPs and their functionalization though advanced characterization techniques which will be applied for verification of the hybrid structure of the MNPs. NTUA will also have strong involvement in the recycling and reuse of the magnetic nanoparticles which will result from the purification process proofing their circular use.
Role: Tecnochimica as a producer of plating baths has proprietary formulations for both electroless and electrolytic baths and its presence in the project is of high importance. Their knowledge on baths chemistry will be provided and they will work in close collaboration in order to define the capturing affinity which is closely related to the functionalization and the active groups designed on the surface of the MNPs. Also for the demonstration activities they will provide proprietary plating solutions containing organic additives.
6. Optimizacion Orientada a la Sostenibilidad SL
Role: IDENER will provide specification and designing concerning the purification systems.Due its vast experience in design of large units including units for chemicals treatment, it will provide key personnel with strong expertise in the respective research and development areas. IDENER will set up, design, install and run the process control for the prototype.
7. KAMPAKAS Metallourgiki Techniki Emporiki kai Viomichaniki AE
Role: Kampakas will manufacture and install at the pilot lines of the project the purification system. The company has vast experience in design of large units including units for chemicals treatment.
8. Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade
Role: ISQ will contribute mainly creating relevant information for the industrialization of the proposed technologies through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) & Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Eco-efficiency evaluation and improvement and on safety assessment of process and technologies in order to contribute to reducepotential health and environmental risks at an early phase in the innovation process. Also, ISQ will contribute to the recyclability & circular economy supporting the definition of technical and management guidelines for the extension of PureNano life-cycle, through its reuse and/or recycling and developing an operational and financial model for the development and functioning of networks promoting the circularity.
9. Creative Nano
Role: Cnano will provide specifications of their plating process and set end user requirements on industrial baths and their chemistry since this is in direct relation to the used functionalized MNPs. Cnano will also provide their Pilot scale facilities in order to make a marked based evaluation of the purification process in real plating baths. In addition, they will work on the production of conceptual and detailed sets of engineering documents feedbacking modelling, design and manufacturing tasks.
10. Gaser Ossido Duro
Role: Gaser will deliver all the necessary specification for the pilot scale process purification. The company will be actively involved in the preliminary work that has to be conducted for the design and manufacturing of the process. Gaser will also provide their state-of-the-art facilities in order to make a marked based evaluation of the purification process in real plating baths they will operate.
11. AXIA Innovation
Role: AXIA is in charge of the dissemination and exploitation related activities. This will include the continuous update of PEDR and patent search as well as determination IPRs in collaboration with PoliMi. Also, they will overview of EU Research Policy, technology transfer/offer of results to stakeholder. Dissemination and Exploitation will be their focus thus targeting to communicate all the results to targeted audiences through dissemination and training material, organization of relevant workshops and conferences, publication of project’s results in social media and other interesting sources.
Role: ASFIMET has a deep market knowledge of the industry and are closely connected to the problem of baths purification. Specifically, they will lead standardization activities ensuring the compliance of the materials and processes to the current market situation. They will prepare targeted training material distributing and gaining awareness through the training events. The target of ASFIMET will be to disseminate the new technologies in its members by carrying out workshops and conferences.